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Commemorative Lectures for the Exhibition of Zen Paintings and Calligraphy of Sui’ō Genro

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Date 2011/11/11
Place Hanazono University Kyōdō (Lecture Hall)
November 11, 2011
Description: Two commemorative lectures were held during the exhibition of Zen master Sui’ō Genro’s zenga and bokuseki (Oct. 3 - Dec. 20, 2011), sponsored by the Institute for Zen Studies and the Hanazono University Museum of History, and featuring works from collections of the Jōzan Bunko and Yōmei-ji. Admission was free.
For particulars on the exhibition, see here.
The two lectures presented were:
13:00-14:30 “Hakuin and Suiō,” by Prof. Yoshizawa Katsuhiro (Hanazono University, International Research Institute for Zen Buddhism)
14:40-16:10 “Hakuin’s Zen,” by Ogura Sōshun Roshi (Zuisen Monastery, Gifu Prefecture)