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Japanese Zen History Study Group

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Situation Former study
Details This group, under the guidance of Prof. Nagashima Fukutarō and Prof. Katō Shōshun, engaged in the following activities relating to the history of Zen in Japan:
1965-? Discussions of the Ganshin Dōjō kōki kiroku 願心道場興起記録
?-1984 Discussions of the Daishū Osho nikki 提州和尚日記 (Rev. Daishū’s journal) and the Onryōken nichiroku 蔭涼軒日録.
1985- Discussions of the Roku’on nichiroku 鹿苑日録 (1986: fascicle 1, until entry for 25th day of 11th month, 1500)
1988 Discussions of the Roku’on nichiroku  (fascicle 1, until entry for 1st month, 1538)
1989 Discussions of the Roku’on nichiroku  (until entry for 3rd month, 1540)
1990 Discussions of the Roku’on nichiroku  (until entry for 6th month, 1541)
1991 Discussions of the Roku’on nichiroku  (until entry for 12th month, 1545)
1992 Discussions of the Roku’on nichiroku
1993 Readings of calligraphy
1994 Readings of calligraphy
1995 Readings of calligraphy
1996 Hiatus
1997 Hiatus
1998 Hiatus
Readings of material related to Musō Soseki
2000 Readings of calligraphy
Readings of calligraphy
Readings of calligraphy
2003 Readings of calligraphy
Name of group
leader and members
Group members: Nagashima Fukutarō 永島福太郎, Katō Shōshun 加藤正俊